South Bend Chocolate Company Product Photography | Brian Rodgers Jr. | Commercial Photographer

South Bend Chocolate Company Product Photography | Brian Rodgers Jr. | Commercial Photographer

Here's some product photography that I photographed for South Bend Chocolate Company. This series features an array of hero shots, and standard catalog photography including stand alone chocolate images as well as packaged products. These product photos are used in marketing and advertising to visually feature their products and product packaging. 

This is perhaps one of the largest panoramic images I've ever created. This wall located just behind the building is probably a good 50-100ft wide in diameter and impossible to get a clean shot of this artwork from a distance without having trees and cars in the way.

Published in Photoshop User Magazine for Commercial Photography

Hello everyone, I have some exciting news to share with you all. Back in March, one of my commercial product photography images was chosen as "Image of the Week" by the National Association of Photoshop Professionals. That same image has been published in this months Photoshop User Magazine!!! (The July/August Issue). If you haven't had a chance to check it out, you can find it on the bookshelves of Barnes and Noble and other bookstores where Photoshop User Magazine is sold.

Sidenote: I had the pleasure of meeting Larry Becker, RC Concepcion, and Pete Collins at the WPPI "On The Road Tour" 2013 in Chicago. Really cool guys, and as you'd expect they are as down to earth in person as they are Photshop User Magazine, The Grid etc. 

Photoshop User Magazine July/August Issue 2013

Photoshop User Magazine July/August Issue 2013

Nik Collection by Google


In Case You Haven’t Heard… Google bought Nik Software not too long ago. A lot of photographers were questioning the future of their treasured Photoshop Plugins. Earlier this week, I received an email from Google. Being a long time Nik customer and a registered owner of their products, I was eligible to receive a free copy of the new Nik Collection by Google! It included all 6 of their award winning plugins for Photoshop, Lightroom & Aperture.


To be completely honest, I’m not a huge plugins guy. Most of the work that I do is manual photoshop, with some actions here and there. The one plugin that I did use quite a bit was Nik Color Efex Pro. It produced some really cool results. The fact that Google gave existing Nik customers the entire updated suite for free is extremely generous! It made my week actually. If you are a registered Nik customer, chances are you will be getting this email for the free download as well, so keep an eye on your inbox. If you are new to the Nik Collection, you can now purchase the entire collection for only $149! That’s a huge price drop from the original $499! Google will no longer be selling these as individual applications. 



The free upgrade has definitely inspired me to take a deeper look into the possibilities of what these plugins have to offer. I love the interfaces of these plugins, and the U Point® Technology is really cool. I’m also really enjoying the look and feel that Google implemented into Nik Collection; the logos, branding etc; very Google. The website is super simple to navigate through, very clean and easy to find what you’re looking for. There are a ton of video tutorials on how to use their software, and well as an intuitive help page.

If you haven’t already, I highly recommend checking out the new Nik Collection by Google. You can find them at 

How to Plan & Prepare For a Successful Commercial Photo Shoot

How to Plan & Prepare For a Successful Commercial Photo Shoot


Planning is key to any successful commercial photo shoot. Being that I work for an advertising agency, there are often many players in the planning stages of a shoot. Sometimes the ball is in my court to come up with visuals for a given clients needs. Other times there is a Creative Director conceptualizing the ideas. Often times however, this is a collaborative effort between creatives at the agency. Once the ideas are drafted on paper, my job as the photographer is to execute this idea as a deliverable to the client.

For this particular shoot, I was creating the atmosphere of a classroom. More on the conceptual side; less on the classroom full of desks and kids side. So, I really had to think about how I was going to convey this space without actually having all of the classroom elements in place. The elements that I had to work with were; a nice wood floor, a neutral colored solid wall, a desk, and a model. The rest of this shot would have to be created in post because I didn’t have the items at the time. I knew that it would be easier to composite these items in photoshop, than it would be to go out, buy the items, and place them on the wall.

I always pre-plann the shoot as much as I a possibly can. It puts my mind at ease knowing exactly how I will put the final shot together. I knew that the way I shot it would allow me to composite elements later in photoshop. These elements included a chalkboard, clock, books and a bookshelf. Knowing exactly where I would later place these items in the scene, allowed me to properly frame my composition and allow for a successful photo shoot.

The bottom line here is to plan as much as possible. Paint a clear picture in your head of what you will be creating. Know what you’re going to shoot, and know what you are going to do in post. Always shoot with post production in mind.

National Association of Photoshop Professionals IMAGE OF THE WEEK!


Here’s what the guys at the National Association of Photoshop Professionals had to say:

“This week’s top honor goes to Brian Rodgers Jr. “Digital Art that Rocks™” for his Product Photography. From the cool, moody blue colors to the crisp photographic detail, this is a great image. We like the balance of light that pushes the focus to the center and the monochromatic final color and strong yet controlled contrast make this image work very well.”

What a huge honor to be chosen for Image of the Week by such an awesome organization. Be on the lookout to see this image in a future issue of Photoshop User Magazine! And lastly, don’t forget you can view a larger and more detailed version of this image in the portfolio section of my website. 



Brilliant In My Mind

Transform was a piece originally produced for Scott Kelby’s blog. I’m posting this short film created by Atlanta photographer Zack Arias for several reasons. First off, this video is a work of art that deeply described how a lot of artists feel. Second, Zack puts in words what many photographers cannot. It’s extremely well written and too good not to see. The short story begins at 1:35/9:48. Zack has been one of my biggest influences as a photographer. Kudos Zack!